Chrysoperla carnea


What do I look Like

1.5-2.5 cm in length Adults are Green with transparent lacey wings with more vertical lines than horizontal

Metallic blue in colour

A Little Bit About Me

Green lacewings, with an average lifespan of 3-4 weeks, undergo four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Adult females lay up to 600 eggs, each on a slender stalk. egg-to-adult cycle takes 4 to 6 weeks in warm temperatures. Found in various environments, including gardens and crops, they feed on honeydew, plant nectar, and yeasts. Some species are predaceous, while others are not. They may also attack newly planted legume seeds.

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases


Friut Fly

What do I look Like

3mm in length yellow brown mottled colour bright red eyes

A Little Bit About Me

Fruit flies can breed in decaying fruit, unclean drains, and even soiled utensils. Their development from egg to adult takes 7–30 days, females lay around 500 eggs per batch.

and the adult lives for 2–9 weeks. In optimal temperatures, their life cycle can be as short as 1 week. Fruit flies are often found infesting fruits, hovering around fermenting residues in pubs, fruit orchards, vegetable plots, and breweries.

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. females lay around 500 eggs per batch


Fermentation Fly

What do I look Like

3mm in length yellow brown mottled colour bright red eyes

A Little Bit About Me

Females can lay up to 500 eggs, with development to adulthood taking about 7 days. The adult life span is approximately 2 weeks. They breed in fermenting residues in pubs, fruit and vegetable gardens breweries, etc. Larvae feed on bacteria and yeast in decaying fruits and vegetables. Additionally, they may breed in unclean drains and soiled cleaning utensils

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases

Danger to humans

Mosquitoes are a global threat, causing millions of deaths annually and significant irritation, especially in hot and wet summers. In Australia, mosquitoes play a crucial role in transmitting diseases like Australian Encephalitis, Dengue fever, and Ross River fever, disrupting daily life with their relentless biting.
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Musca Domestica

House Fly

What do I look Like

Medium sized, around 0.6 to 0.7 cm
Grey, light grey, dark grey

A Little Bit About Me

Houseflies and their larvae are natural decomposers. They eat rotting organic matter, helping it to break down more completely. They are also a food source for several other important wildlife species.

Where I live

Found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

Houseflies can spread nearly 65 different diseases to people and pets, with the most common being typhoid fever, salmonella, tuberculosis, and cholera.

Am I Danger To Humans

When it comes to people, horse flies are of very minimal danger. The only real concern is that their bite is somewhat painful. However, when they bite horses, they can transmit a serious and even fatal illness known as Swamp Fever (Leptospirosis) (rare).

Flesh Fly

What do I look Like

Up to 2cm long
Black stripes on thorax, chequered pattern on abdomen. Colours Grey, Black

A Little Bit About Me

Some Flesh Flies eat grasshoppers or snails. Females deposit live maggots (larvae) onto deceased animal carcasses or dung. If a substantial number of these flies are found indoors, it often signals the presence of a deceased animal in the roof space, wall cavity, or beneath the floor.

Where I live

Found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note that flesh flies are not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases

Blow Fly

What do I look Like

Up to 1.28cm in length
Metallic blue in colour

A Little Bit About Me

Bluebottle flies, also known as Blow flies, are frequently observed hovering around rubbish bins. These scavengers are drawn to pet faeces and deceased animals, making them carriers of disease. The name ``Bluebottle`` is derived from their iridescent colours, resembling those of coloured bottles.

Where I live

Found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases

Drain Fly

What do I look Like

Up to 2 millimetres in length, with tan colour the body appears to be grey

A Little Bit About Me

Eggs typically hatch within 1–6 days, and larvae take 10–50 days to mature. Pupae require 1–3 days to reach maturity.
Drain flies are commonly found around sewage, where larvae feed on sludge-like organic matter. They are known by various names, including sewage fly, and moth fly

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases

Pollenia rudis

Cluster Fly

What do I look Like

Measuring between 6 to 10 millimeters in length, with a dark grey to olive thorax covered with crinkled golden-brown hairs.

A Little Bit About Me

Eggs are deposited in the soil during late summer or early autumn. The larvae undergo development within earthworms, feeding on their host for several days. Subsequently, they molt and pupate in the soil. The entire developmental cycle, from egg to adult, spans approximately 27 to 39 days

cluster flies are commonly found in undisturbed areas of your residence, such as attics and wall voids. Seeking warm locations to hibernate during winter, these flies often congregate around windows, drawn to the light on sunny winter days.

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases


March/Horse Fly

What do I look Like

Up to 2. cm in length 5Black to dark brown in colour with green or black eyes

A Little Bit About Me

Numbers ranging from 100 to 1000, are laid on a vertical surface near water. They hatch in 5–7 days, overwinter as larvae and pupate in spring. Adult life lasts 30–60 days. Mostly found in damp pasture areas, these flies target horses, causing flight responses and potential injuries. Larvae, residing in the host's digestive tract, induce inflammatory reactions, which can lead to ulcers and starvation.

Where I live

found throughout Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

It is important to note not considered dangerous to humans in Australia. However, it is always advisable to maintain good hygiene practices and avoid contact with flies to prevent the spread of diseases