Australia is renowned for its diverse possum species, classified under the mammalian order Didelphimorphia.. In Australia, about twenty-three possum species thrive, some infiltrating residential areas at night and producing growling sounds on rooftops. Despite their nuisance, Australian possums are protected, necessitating professional removal if they inhabit suburban rooftops. Beams pest management can come and assess your pesky possum problem And find the right solution give us a call for a free no obligation visit


The Common Brushtail Possum

The Brushtail possum As the second-largest possum in Australia, it's cat-sized and adaptable to various habitats, from tropical rainforests to urban areas. Its fur colour varies based on the surroundings, ranging from silver to gold and black. Notable features include a long black tail, a pointed face with a pink nose, and elongated oval-like ears. In urban areas, it's often seen at night on roof tops.
Pseudocherius Peregrinus

The Common Ringtail Possum

The Ringtail possum is versatile in habitats, thriving on a variety of vegetation like herbs, fruits, and flowers. Preferring trees, it rarely ventures to the ground, residing in tree hollows or building spherical nests known as dreys. Sociable by nature, it forms family groups. Its name comes from the prehensile tail that wraps around branches for climbing, aiding the mother possum with a pouch for carrying young ones. Typically, grey, or dark Grey, it features white on the tail, behind the eyes, and on the belly, along with an orange spot on the tail and limbs.


These are classified into five categories depending on their species.
Burramys parvus

Mountain Pygmy Possums

are diminutive, weighing approximately 45 grams, with males having a larger body than females. Their size ranges from 5 to 12 cm. Notably, they possess prehensile tails. With a thick grey coat, except for the belly, they have forward-pointing big eyes and short, round ears. These possums exhibit omnivorous behaviour, consuming insects, nectar, fruits, and seeds.
Cercartetus nanus

Eastern Pygmy possum

a small rodent found sparingly in Australia, weighs 15-43 grams and measures 8-11 cm with a 10 cm tail. Solitary by nature, it resides in shrubs, using tree hollows or abandoned nests. Primarily insectivores, they turn to soft fruits when insects are scarce, using their tails for nectar and pollen feeding. Dull grey on top and white below, with thick fur and almost hairless tails, they excel in tree climbing due to their prehensile tails, adapting well to their habitat
Cercartetus Concinnus

Western Pygmy Possum

known as the southwestern possum, the Long Tailed Pygmy Possum is among the larger pygmy possums, growing up to 7 cm. With bright-coloured fur on top and pure white underneath, it boasts a long prehensile tail for climbing. This possum's long tongue aids in catching and consuming insects. Found in rainforests, it has a tail nearly twice its body size, reaching around 10 cm. With rodent-like ears, it feeds on insects, nectar, and pollens. During winter, it hibernates during the day, appearing dead but awakening at night.
Cercartetus Caudatus

Long Tailed Pygmy Possum

Found in rainforests, the Long Tailed Pygmy Possum derives its name from its lengthy tail, almost twice its body size. Despite its small size, reaching around 10 cm, it feeds on insects, nectar, and pollens. Sporting rodent-like, big, pointy ears, it enters winter hibernation, appearing dormant during the day but awakening at night.
Cercartetus lepidus

Tasmanian Pygmy Possum

The world's smallest possum, weighing a mere 10 grams and reaching 7.5 cm, resides in South Australia's Murray-Darling basin. With a diet of insects, small lizards, spiders, nectar, and eucalyptus tree pollen, it inhabits shrubs or forest undergrowth. Featuring a short snout with long whiskers, large forward-pointing eyes, and nearly hairless, mobile ears, this solitary possum has a furred tail at the base but is mostly hairless toward the tip. Preferring tree hollows or constructing dome-like nests from tree barks, it seldom forms groups.
Tarsipes rostratus

Honey Possum

The Honey Possum, this possum, despite its honey possum moniker, primarily consumes pollen and nectar. Unlike its name implies, it lacks claws, relying on its sociable nature and companionship with others. When food is scarce, it enters hibernation. Commonly located in South-west Western Australia, it's also recognized as Noolberger in Australia.
Trichosurus Cunningham,

The Mountain Brushtail Possum

The Mountain Brushtail PossumShort-eared Possum, as its name suggests, has short, round ears. Sporting grey or black fur on top and white underneath, it inhabits open and rainforests, residing in tree hollows. Similar to the Common Brushtail, it boasts a long black tail for climbing trees. This possum, found in Queensland, Southern Victoria, and Lamington National Park, feeds on herbs, fungi, lichen, buds, and fruits.
Trichosurus arnhemensis.

The Northern Brushtail Possum

Northern Brushtail Possum This possum is typically smaller than the common brushtail, measuring about 35-45 cm in length, with an adult tail spanning around 30 cm. They primarily inhabit forests, and some are found in woodlands, spending the majority of their lives in trees and rarely on the ground. The Northern brushtail possums have a black tail, with males displaying a reddish-grey coloration.

The Green-tail Possum

Also known as Toolah or Striped Ringtail Possum, it's predominantly found in North Queensland. Sporting soft, greenish-hued fur, a result of black, grey, yellow, and white colour combinations, it features white patches beneath the eyes and ears. Reaching a length of 36 cm, with a tail nearly matching its size, this possum primarily feeds on leaves and figs. The female gives birth to a single offspring.
Wyulda Squamicaudata.

Scaly-Tailed Possum

Scaly-tailed Possum This possum, primarily found in Kimberly, Western Australia, and Northwestern Australia, Being the only species of its kind, it remains relatively mysterious with limited knowledge available. Classified as herbivorous, it mainly feeds on leaves, fruits, and flowers. Named the scaly-tailed possum due to its nearly hairless tail, it's commonly spotted in sandstones and occasionally in woodlands.

Leadbeater’s Possum

Leadbeater's possum the, once presumed extinct in 1939 after the Black Friday fires, is now highly endangered. Also known as the fairy possum, it inhabits the tallest trees in rainforests, featuring a body and tail measuring approximately 33cm. Living in monogamous pairs, they breed twice a year, yielding a maximum of two joeys per birth. These possums primarily feed on spiders, crickets, termites, beetles, wattle saps, and anthropoids for proteins. Leadbeater's possums have grey thick fur, dark grey tails, and whitish lower bodies, with short, almost hairless, pointy ears.
Pseudochirulus Herbertensis,

Herbert River Ringtail Possum

commonly known as the Mongan, this possum species comprises two subtypes: Pseudocheirus herbertensis herbertensis in Kuranda South and Pseudocheirus herbertensis cinereusI in Mt. Lewis North. Predominantly found in Northeastern Queensland, it comes in black or pale brown varieties, the latter featuring dark stripes on its head. Sporting a pointed face, big bright eyes with short, almost hairless ears, and a bright or white underside, it resides in trees, utilizing its long tail for navigation and nest-building.
Typically dwelling in dense rainforests, it rarely ventures to the ground, feeding on leaves, flowers, and fruits of trees like the silver Quandong. Shy and predominantly solitary, adults are seldom seen in groups, while joeys may occasionally gather in nests.
Dactylopsila Trivirgata

Striped Possum

The Stripped Possum, the Townsville possum is recognized for its black color adorned with three distinct white stripes forming a 'Y' shape on its head. This nocturnal species resides in Queensland's rainforests, utilizing tree hollows for shelter.
It feeds on insects, leaves, pollen, beetles, native bee larvae honey, and fruits. Adapted with chisel-like incisors, the possum can peel tree bark to access insects. During the day, it rests on branches and emits a musky smell, displaying an unusual walking style, by walking horizontally with a rowing action.
Typically dwelling in dense rainforests, it rarely ventures to the ground, feeding on leaves, flowers, and fruits of trees like the silver Quandong. Shy and predominantly solitary, adults are seldom seen in groups, while joeys may occasionally gather in nests.
Hemibelideus lemuroides,

Lemuroid Ringtail Possum

The Lemuroid Ringtail Possum also known as the lemur-like possum, is found in Queensland. It possesses a tail with thicker fur compared to other ringtail possums, commonly appearing in dark brown but sometimes in white. With a short snout and yellowish eyes, it weighs around 800-1300 grams, emitting an unpleasant smell and sticky cream liquid when
Being arboreal, it spends most of its time in trees, rarely descending to the ground. Inhabiting hollows, it ventures out to feed at night, leaping up to three meters wide between branches. Herbivorous, it strictly consumes leaves and flowers, displaying social behavior, often observed in groups, even within nests. Predominantly preyed upon by pythons.
Trichosurus johnstonii,

Coppery Brushtail Possum

The Coppery brushtail possum is indigenous to the Atherton Tablelands region. Thriving in rainforests, these possums typically grow to lengths of 400-500 mm. Females tend to be larger than males, averaging weights of 1200-1800 g. They boast a dense coat of fur, dark brown on top and light brown below, with bushy tails featuring a naked underside.
As arboreal creatures, brushtail possums, like their counterparts, predominantly inhabit trees. They rest in tree hollows during the day and emerge at night for nocturnal activities. Possessing sharp claws facilitates easy climbing, and their prehensile tails aid in wrapping around trees during ascents and leaps from branch to branch.
Their diet comprises various foods such as leaves, fruits, tree barks, and buds. Communication involves different sounds and scents, with sharp hisses and deep coughs during mating. These possums are commonly found near houses and are known for emitting growling noises at night. In Queensland, invading brushtail possums are protected by law, requiring a permit for removal. Distinguishing between a brushtail possum and a rat is straightforward, as possums typically possess a distinct tail and a grey coat of fur.

Cinereus Ringtail Possum

the Daintree River possum inhabits the wet tropics of North Eastern Queensland and the road to Mt. Lewis Sanctuary. Initially believed to be like the Herbert River possum, ongoing research discerned them as distinct species. Primarily dwelling in tropical rainforests, these possums are identifiable by their brown coloration.
Born with a light brown colour that persists into adulthood, the Cinereus Ringtail Possum maintains a distinguishing feature from the Herbert River possum, which darkens as it matures. Possessing a dark stripe on their head and underside, they also exhibit a short, pointed snout, known as a ``Roman nose.`` With long prehensile tails for climbing trees, their almost hairless tails enhance gripping on wet tropic trees. Hand-like feet contribute to their adaptation for life under the canopy. Solitary creatures, they stay in hollow dens during the day, with jills carrying joeys in pouches and later their backs. As folivores, they feed on tree leaves, and limited data exists on their breeding practices. Generally quiet, they produce soft noises, especially when separated from their mother. Moving slowly for short distances while feeding, they mark territory with faeces or scent rubbing. Predators include pythons, owls, eagles, and dingoes.
Petropseudes dahli

Rock Ringtail Possum

The rock-haunting ringtail possum is mainly found in rocky escarpments across northern and Western Australia. With the shortest tail among ringtail possums, it reaches a medium size, approximately 359 mm in length with a 200-250 mm tail and a weight of 1250-2000g as an adult.

Sporting reddish-grey fur on top and pale grey underneath, they exhibit a dark dorsal stripe from head to mid-back. Adapted for terrestrial life, they have short legs, claws, and a half-naked, prehensile tail. Social but shy, these possums live in small groups, favouring rock habitats and climbing trees primarily for feeding.

Herbivorous, they consume tree leaves and occasionally termites for proteins. Monogamous and strongly social, they form familial bonds, with older offspring assisting in raising the young under the mother's primary care.

Pseudocheirus occidentalis

Western Ringtail Possums

The western possum, is commonly found in Western Australia. As a mid-sized animal weighing around 700 grams in adulthood, it possesses a strongly prehensile tail, approximately 30 cm long, aiding in effective foraging. This highly endangered species is protected under Australian law.
Western possums are herbivores, feeding on leaves and hiding in nests, known as dreys, during the day. Physically, they feature bushy tails with a whitish tip, appearing grey on the top but white on the underside.