Notechis scutatus

Tiger Snake

What do I look Like

There are a variety of tiger snakes in general Adults grow 120 cm long., their bodies are covered by bands like a tiger skin.

Chappell Island Tiger Black, brown, or olive background with light bands.

Common Tiger Olive, green, or brown with cream-colored bands

Western Tiger : Dark blue or black with yellow bands.

King Island and Tasmanian tiger snake: Either black with light
crossbands or a brown without banding.

Southern Peninsulas tiger : Characterized by a black body with a white chin and lips.

A Little Bit About Me

tiger snakes live in the ground they sun bake around fallen trees, they are great at swimming and climbing. when scared, they lift and flatten their forebody and will strike quickly as a defence mechanism.

Where I live

found throughout Eastern And Western Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

Tiger Snakes are Deadly to Humans, seek medical attention immediately
Morelia spilota

Carpet Python

Also known as the Diamond Python.

What do I look Like

Adults are 200-400 cm (79-157 in) long. Males are smaller than females. Their heads are triangular with rounded snouts. Their colouring can be olive, yellow, white, brown, black. They often have blotches, dark borders, or a series of diamonds and streaks.

A Little Bit About Me

Living in trees the Carpet Python are nocturnal. they are common in Australian forests and rocky lowlands. Though mostly arboreal, they may sunbathe on the ground. Preying on rodents, lizards, frogs, and fledgling birds, caution is needed with small pets. These pythons immobilize prey by coiling and using their strong bodies and sharp fangs, even without venom.

Where I live

Found mainly in Queensland

Am I Danger To Humans

Carpet Pythons are mostly safe around humans and are popular among exotic pet enthusiasts. However, exercise caution as, despite their typically gentle nature, they can still inflict a painful bite with their backward-curving fangs.
Pseudonaja textilis

Eastern Brown Snake

known as the Common Brown Snake.

What do I look Like

Mature individuals measure 150-200 cm (59-79 in), with rounded snouts and long tapered tails. Their colour ranges from shades of brown or olive to dark grey, with pale undersides.

A Little Bit About Me

Living in trees the Carpet Python are nocturnal. they are common in Australian forests and rocky lowlands. Though mostly arboreal, they may sunbathe on the ground. Preying on rodents, lizards, frogs, and fledgling birds, caution is needed with small pets. These pythons immobilize prey by coiling and using their strong bodies and sharp fangs, even without venom.

Where I live

Found throughout eastern and Northern parts of Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

Deadly to humans. If bitten seek immediate medical attention.
The Eastern Brown Snake's venom contains toxins that target the circulatory system, leading to internal bleeding and cardiac arrest. Even with juveniles, exercise caution; their venom, while lower in quantity, is more potent. If bitten, seek immediate medical attention.
The Eastern Brown Snake's venom contains toxins that target the circulatory system, leading to internal bleeding and cardiac arrest. Even with juveniles, exercise caution; their venom, while lower in quantity, is more potent.
Pseudechis porphyriacus

Red-bellied Black Snake

Known as the Australian Black Snake and the Common Black Snake.

What do I look Like

Adults grow to 125 cm (49 in) long on average. They have broad heads. Their snouts are pale and rounded. Made obvious by their name, these snakes are typically black with reddish undersides. Their flanks are bright red or orange.

A Little Bit About Me

Red-bellied Black Snakes, often found near water, cleverly disturb sediment to lure prey like frogs and fish. Highly venomous but not prone to aggression, cornered snakes may strike rapidly.

Where I live

Parts of northern Qld. East coast of Aust

Am I Danger To Humans

Bites can cause pain, bleeding, abdominal discomfort, and, curiously, a loss of smell, though no human deaths have been recorded.

Seek Medical attention

Austrelaps superbus

Lowlands Copperhead

known as the Copperhead Snake and Common Copperhead.

What do I look Like

Adults are 100-150 cm (39-59 in) long. Their heads are small and narrow, and they have distinct, raised scales. They are typically reddish-brown to copper. Some individuals are shades of grey.

A Little Bit About Me

The venomous Lowlands Copperhead found i in Australia's freshwater scrublands, swamps, and marshes. they also wander into urban areas, searching for food. These snakes’ prey on frogs and lizards, occasionally resorting to cannibalism. They seek shelter in abandoned burrows and remain active even in winter, thriving in colder temperatures.

Where I live

South eastern Australia

Am I Danger To Humans

can be deadly to humans. If bitten seek immediate medical attention.

While typically reserved, Lowlands Copperheads may hiss and thrash when approached. Their bites can lead to unconsciousness, convulsions, and potentially death. Fortunately, the antivenom effective against Tiger Snake bites is also suitable for this species.