Ommatoiulus Moreleti

Black Millipede

What do I look Like

The Portuguese Black Millipede is an introduced species which is known for being a nuisance pest.

A Little Bit About Me

The Portuguese black millipede discharges a yellowish when disturbed as a defence mechanism against predators. While harmless to humans, this fluid has the potential to stain skin and materials.The Portuguese Black Millipede often reaches plague numbers, especially in southern Australia.

Where I live

Throughout Australia.

European Earwig

What do I look Like

5 mm - 50 mm
The European Earwig is characterized by its long, slender reddish-brown body and distinctive pincers located at the end of its abdomen.

A Little Bit About Me

The European Earwig, known for its distinctive pincers, is mostly nocturnal. During the day, it hides in small, moist crevices, becoming active at night. It feeds on a range of insects decaying matter and plants. Despite its reputation, damage to foliage, flowers, and crops is often attributed to the common earwig.

Where I live

Throughout Australia.