We are all acutely aware of the critical importance of safeguarding our businesses from pests. The substantial costs and risks associated with pest infestations can lead to significant harm, not only to guest health and experiences but also to the reputation of your business.

Ignoring pest infestations can result in legal actions from dissatisfied guests, health and food contamination, revenue losses, and property damage.

Pest infestations in the hotel and hospitality industry can occur at any time, with pests being attracted to environments offering easy access to food, warmth, and shelter. Hotels are prime targets for pests, and in rare cases, pests may even be introduced by guests themselves. The presence of pests in your facility indicates poor and unsanitary pest management practices, which can disappoint guests and spell trouble for your business.

Given the perpetual risk, it’s crucial to maintain proper pest prevention, monitoring, and maintenance in the hotel and hospitality sector to prevent undesirable mishaps caused by pests in the future


At Beams Pest Management, we fully understand the challenges of maintaining a pest-free environment for all your customers and hotel staff. That’s why we’re committed to protecting your business against pests by providing you with the safest, fastest, and most effective hotel and hospitality pest control solutions. Our aim is to keep pests of any kind at bay and prevent their return.

With a wealth of experience, we are well-versed in collaborating with hotels, resorts, restaurants, and various other hospitality establishments. Swift and effective resolution of pest issues ensures the upkeep of a clean, hygienic environment, elevating guest satisfaction and safeguarding your esteemed reputation.

What are the requirements?

Under Standard 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices and General Requirements, your business must do everything it reasonably can to prevent pest problems.

This means:

  • pests are stopped from entering or living in your food premises
  • pests are eradicated from your premises and vehicles used to transport food

Ref: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is an independent statutory agency established by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (FSANZ Act). FSANZ is part of the Australian Government’s Health portfolio.