
What do I look

Fleas, belonging to the order Siphonaptera, are, wingless external parasites. Adult fleas, typically brown and oval-shaped, measure between 2 to 4 mm in length. Sporting six spiny legs, they possess robust hind legs designed for remarkable jumping ability, enabling them to leap over 200 times their body length.

A Little Bit About Me

Fleas have small antennae and mouth parts for piercing and sucking. They feed on the blood of humans and animals. Some flea species feed from one host species only, while others can survive on a number of hosts.
Prominent flea species in Australia include;

Cat Flea
The most prevalent species, targeting dogs, rats, humans, and various mammals.

Dog Flea
Less common than the cat flea but resembling it, this species attacks a diverse range of mammals.

Human Flea
Uncommon due to heightened home hygiene, this flea also preys on dogs, pigs, rats, and mice.

Fleas undergo a life cycle with four stages – egg, larva, pupae, and adult. The duration, spanning 2 weeks to 8 months, varies based on temperature, humidity, food availability, and the specific flea species.

Where I live

Found throughout Australia

Am I a Danger to Humans

Fleas are known to transmit tapeworm larvae and, uncommonly, the disease murine typhus
Seek medical advice
Ixodes Holocyclus

Paralysis Tick

What do I look Like

The appearance of the paralysis tick varies in size, ranging from as big as a marble to as small as a pinhead, depending on its lifecycle stage.

A Little Bit About Me

Ticks have a life span of about one year Upon hatching, ticks require a blood meal to survive and progress through their life cycle.

Ticks can stay attached and feed for many days.

Ticks typically have a lifespan of about one year and undergo four life stages from egg to adult. Upon hatching, ticks necessitate a blood meal for their survival.

Danger to humans

Bed bug bites can result in red, itchy spots on legs, arms, and shoulders. Infections can occur, with reactions varying, sometimes delayed up to nine days. In rare cases, multiple bites have led to significant blood loss and anemia. Some doctors suggest bed bugs may trigger allergies and asthma. bites often resolve with time or basic first aid. Consult a doctor if concerned; treatments may include steroid creams, antihistamines, or antibiotics for infections.


What do I look Like

Bed bugs are tiny, flat, oval-shaped insects that can reach a length of up to 5mm. Their color transforms from cream to brown as they mature. Despite their requirement to feed on blood for growth, they exhibit remarkable resilience and can survive for as long as a year without a blood meal.

A Little Bit About Me

Bed bugs typically inhabit cracks and crevices in and around your bed, with a preference for mattress seams. They can easily travel on clothing, furniture, bedding, and luggage. While their primary target for feeding is humans, they may also feed on other warm-blooded animals, and their feeding activity is primarily nocturnal bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, they can be emotionally distressing and challenging to eliminate

Danger to humans

Bed bug bites can result in red, itchy spots on legs, arms, and shoulders. Infections can occur, with reactions varying, sometimes delayed up to nine days. In rare cases, multiple bites have led to significant blood loss and anemia. Some doctors suggest bed bugs may trigger allergies and asthma. bites often resolve with time or basic first aid. Consult a doctor if concerned; treatments may include steroid creams, antihistamines, or antibiotics for infections.