
German Cockroach

What do I look Like

The body of an adult German cockroach is about 12mm long. It is beige to light brown in colour, with two dark stripes on the back of its head.

A Little Bit About Me

Preferring warm, moist conditions near food and water, the German cockroach thrives in kitchens and food-handling spaces. Nocturnal and rarely flying, they hide in dark spots like pantries, cupboards, and wall cavities. Spread often occurs through items brought into a space. These prolific breeders can go from egg to adult in 45 days, with females living up to six months, and infestations can escalate rapidly.

Where I live

throughout Australia.
Periplaneta Americana

American Cockroach

What do I look Like

The American cockroach holds the distinction of being the largest among cockroach pest species. Adults measure 30 to 50mm in length and feature a reddish-brown body with a distinctive yellowish band behind the head.

A Little Bit About Me

In warmer climates, the American cockroach predominantly dwells outdoors, favouring warm, dark, and moist spaces like sewers, wall voids, and subfloor voids. They gather around heat-emitting sources and are attracted to lights, often seen around stormwater drains in summer. Adaptable feeders, they prefer decaying organic matter but consume a diverse range of materials. Capable flyers, their lifespan is up to two years, with rapid population growth under optimal conditions. Even without food or water, an adult may survive two to three months. In colder regions, they can be found indoors.

Where I live

Mainly in warmer climates however they are found throughout Australia.

Australian Cockroaches

What do I look Like

Australian cockroaches vary in size from 3 mm to 70 mm. Certain species exhibit bright colours such as orange, red, yellow, and even blue.

A Little Bit About Me

Primarily living outdoors, the Australian cockroach thrives in warm moist climates. During adverse weather, they may invade homes seeking food and shelter. Small and swift, they scurry and can fly as needed. Preferring plants and decaying organics. Indoors they may consume human foods like bread and cereal.

Where I live

Throughout Australia.

Brown Banded Cockroach

What do I look Like

The brown-banded cockroach, relatively small in size, is characterized by its pale brown color with distinct pale bands across the thorax and abdomen.

A Little Bit About Me

It thrives in dry environments. Unlike other pests, it may roam throughout buildings, favouring modern technology like computers and microwaves. Its wide dispersal poses challenges for control. Gluing egg cases to surfaces, nymphs take two to four months to become adults, with a lifespan of up to six months. Disturbance may prompt flight, may be seen in daytime.

Where I live

Throughout Australia.

Cockroach Chemical Control

Hygiene is crucial for managing cockroach problems, restricting their population growth by making access to food and water challenging.

Address plumbing leaks and seal entry points to prevent cockroach infestations, especially in older buildings.
Keep doors and windows closed or screened at night to prevent cockroaches from being attracted to lights and flying in Other preventative measures include cleaning food-contaminated surfaces promptly, reducing water availability overnight, storing food in tightly closed containers, inspecting incoming food for egg cases, securing rubbish in closed containers, sealing cracks and crevices, and maintaining cleanliness in various areas.

Chemical Control

If chemical control is necessary, it is best to contact the professionals,

Beams pest management is highly skilled with the chemicals involved in controlling All pests.

To be safe leave it to the experts, call us now.